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Policy Decision-Making Tool for Sustainable Mobility 3.0

What is the Policy Decision-Making Tool? 

It is a platform to assist country decision-makers to diagnose countries’ problems in their transport system and produce a coherent and comprehensive prototype action plan to address them.  It consists of three modules: 

  • Data module – a repository of all transport-related data and indicators structured around the four goals defining sustainable mobility to diagnose performance gaps in countries’ transport systems. It is the online version of the Global Tracking Framework for Transport (GTF).  

  • Policy module – a comprehensive compilation of more than 190 policy instruments available to decision-makers to address the performance gaps and achieve sustainable mobility, with various levels of granularity on how to implement each of them, and their capacity to help transport systems return to normal after a shock.  It is the online version of the Catalogue of Policy Measures Toward Sustainable Mobility (CPM).  

  • Action module – a tool to generate a prototype action plan (PAP), using a Selection Algorithm. The resulting PAP is a starting point for further customization and refinement through engagement with country representatives, local experts, and other relevant stakeholders. This engagement helps refine the action plan to one more practically aligned with a country’s needs and context.  

Why is it Important? 

It provides a one-stop platform to access curated data, indicators, and the best available policy knowledge from 56 international organizations and private companies. The outcome is coherent and structured guidance to country decision-makers about ways to change the trajectory of their transport systems and achieve the SDGs and the Paris Climate targets.  

With the adoption of this tool, the international transport community has now embraced a new paradigm of mobility that is mode-agnostic and focuses on the long-term policy objective of sustainable mobility.  

How does it work? 

To learn more about the use of this tool to guide your policy and investment choices in transport, watch a demo (Data Module and the Policy and the Action Modules). 

The Modules are updated regularly. If you are interested in providing your input or feedback, please contact us at 


Data Module

Use mobility data and indicator to evaluate your country performance on sustainable mobility



Policy Module

Explore a catalogue of more than 190 policy measures to achieve sustainable mobility



Action Module

View and customize the top policy measures in your country’s prototype action plan, based on its mobility performance.


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